Carpet Repair in Lakeside, Texas

Looking to repair your carpet in Lakeside, Texas? Are you annoyed by bumps or wrinkles? Premium Rug Cleaners can handle all of your carpet stretching and carpet repair in Lakeside. Our carpet technicians can save you money by repairing carpet so you don't have to replace it. Usually, carpet that is loose or that has ripples can be stretched, and areas with permanent stains or burns can be patched. Call Premium Rug Cleaners today for a free estimate of your Lakeside carpet repair needs!


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(469) 517-1096


Carpet Repair by Premium Rug CleanersCarpet Repair Services in Lakeside

  • Re-stretching
  • Carpet Repair
  • Patching
  • Pet Damage Restoration
  • Seam Repair
  • Berber Carpet Repair


Lakeside Carpet Stretching

Premium Rug Cleaners utilizes the best tools available to stretch carpet that has become loose or wrinkled. If you are finding yourself tripping over ridges, it's time to get your carpet stretched! If your carpet was newly installed, you'll first want to contact the installer. Properly installed carpeting should not require stretching. Call Premium Rug Cleaners for a Lakeside carpet stretching quote today.


Lakeside Carpet Patching

If you've developed permanent stains, burn marks or other damage to spots on your carpet, Premium Rug Cleaners may be able to salvage it. Premium Rug Cleaners can correct the problem by patching your Lakeside carpet We'll remove the damaged areas and replace them with new carpet. Once the patch is complete, you'll have trouble remembering where the problem was!

Call for FREE Carpet Repair Quote

(469) 517-1096

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